Hey dear readership and dudelmatz :)
I'm kinda overworked and planned quite a while ago to release my own little captcha implementation to prevent this massive bulk of spam comments I receive on a daily base: It's obnoxious to scroll through this sheer amount of spam comments and delete them. You can't just masstrash them, because you might miss a legit comment and therefore you need to check every single one. I assume the spammer embrace this expected behaviour of a blogger, and therefore exploit it.
So I needed to put a stop to this violation of my spare time and I
created my own captcha. Of course, I first searched for a working and
already existing solution (and I am sure there are many which are better
then what I came up with), but the one I used is basically
Its plugin description states:
Captcha plugin allows you to protect your website from spam using math logic which can be used for login, registration, reseting password, comments forms.
And yeah as I feared this simple elegant captcha is worthless, because math logic is a joke to parse and solve by computers (=>spamscripts). I was pissed and in a mood to write my first wordpress plugin, so I did my own from scratch.
Well, I need to warn you: My solution is designed to work only on this site, because it wouldn't be all too hard to crack it and to bypass its deception. But this won't happen, because there's no reason: This site has by far not the critical traffic (not yet) which would make it interesting for a spammer to circumwent the captcha.
Well enough said, you can see the plugin in action on this site (see the comments section). Here's the source:
Plugin Name: CunningCaptcha
Plugin URI: http://incolumitas.com
Description: Simple/easy captcha to prevent spam at commenting.
Version: 0.1
Author: Nikolai
Author URI: http://incolumitas.com
License: GPLv2 or later
/* Copyright 2013 Nikolai (email : admin@incolumitas.com)
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as
published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* A really simplistic approach to eliminate my spam problem on my
* website. Generates a captcha consisting of 4 figures and inserts
* some noise to prevent it from being cracked by skids.
* I think the effort of cracking it wouldn't take longer than 3 hours
* for an intermediate programmer. Its efectiveness lies in the captchas
* uniqueness. Generally, security by obfuscation is a bad idea. At least I
* know that :) When somebody tries to crack it, I will harden it. As long
* as you give up...
// http://wpengineer.com/2214/adding-input-fields-to-the-comment-form/
// http://wpengineer.com/2205/comment-form-hooks-visualized/
define("CCAPTCHA_DEBUG", false);
ini_set('display_errors', true);
define("FIGURE_SIZE", 30);
define("PPM_FILE", plugin_dir_path(__FILE__)."gen.ppm");
define("CAPTCHA_PNG", plugin_dir_path(__FILE__)."captcha.png");
/* Apply intercepting logic with wordpress API */
// Set a filter to add additional input fields for the comment
add_filter('comment_form_defaults', 'ccaptcha_comment_form_defaults');
// Add a filter to verify if the captch was correct
add_filter('preprocess_comment', 'ccaptcha_check');
// Add a action hook to add the additioal field to the db
add_action('comment_post', 'ccaptcha_save_input');
function ccaptcha_save_input($comment_id) {
'ccaptcha', strip_tags($_POST['ccaptcha']));
function ccaptcha_check($commentdata) {
global $current_user;
$uid = $current_user->ID;
if ($uid != 1) {
if (!isset($_POST['ccaptcha']))
wp_die(__('Error: You need to enter the captcha.'));
$answer = strip_tags($_POST['ccaptcha']);
$generated = get_option('ccaptcha');
if (strcasecmp($answer, $generated) != 0)
wp_die(__('Error: Your supplied captcha is incorrect.'));
return $commentdata;
* Create the captcha and store the string in the database.
function ccaptcha_comment_form_defaults($default) {
$answer = implode('', ccaptcha_generate());
// Well, that is ugly, but how else?
if (!get_option('ccaptcha'))
add_option('ccaptcha', $answer);
update_option('ccaptcha', $answer);
if (!is_user_logged_in()) {
$default['fields']['email'] .=
'<img id="captcha_image" src="'.__(plugin_dir_url(__FILE__)).'captcha.png">
<p class="comment-form-captcha">
<label for="captcha">'.__('Captcha'). '</label>
<input id="ccaptcha" name="ccaptcha" size="30" type="text" /></p>';
return $default;
/*** CunningCaptcha Logic begins ***/
function ccaptcha_generate() {
$h = fopen(PPM_FILE, "w");
if (!$h) {
echo "fopen() error";
$figures = array();
$str = array();
for ($index = 0; $index < 7; $index++) {
$choose = rand(0,3);
switch ($choose) {
case 0:
$figures[$index] = get_1(); $str[$index] = '1';
case 1:
$figures[$index] = get_7(); $str[$index] = '7';
case 2:
$figures[$index] = get_E(); $str[$index] = 'E';
case 3:
$figures[$index] = get_Z(); $str[$index] = 'Z';
$captcha = glue_figures($figures);
$width = FIGURE_SIZE * count($figures);
$height = count($captcha);
/* write the ppm header */
if (!fwrite($h, "P3\n$width $height\n255\n")) {
echo 'fwrite(header) failed';
for ($i = 0; $i < $height; $i++) {
for ($j = 0; $j < $width; $j++) {
fwrite($h, $captcha[$i][$j]."\t");
fwrite($h, "\n");
/* Convert to png and remove ppm */
system(sprintf("pnmtopng %s > %s && rm %s;",
return $str;
* Glue the figures together. Expects an array of figures. Returns
* a single array representing the bitmap, ready to print...
function glue_figures($array_figures) {
$captcha = array(array());
$off = 0;
$pad_size = rand(8,16);
if ($pad_size % 2 != 0)
$pad_size -= 1; // make even
$pad_size /= 2;
$shift = 0;
for ($index = 0; $index < count($array_figures); $index++) {
$shift = rand(0, $pad_size);
for ($i = 0; $i < FIGURE_SIZE+$pad_size*2; $i++) {
for ($j = 0; $j < FIGURE_SIZE; $j++) {
$off = FIGURE_SIZE * $index + $j;
$captcha[$i][$off] = rand_grey();
if ($i > $pad_size && $i < FIGURE_SIZE+$pad_size) {
$captcha[$i-$shift][$off] = $array_figures[$index][$i-$pad_size][$j];
return $captcha;
/* Get a random grey scale color to make some noise :) */
function rand_grey() {
$grey = rand(0, 180);
return sprintf("%s %s %s", $grey, $grey, $grey);
/* Get a random color */
function rand_color() {
return sprintf
"%s %s %s",
rand(0, 255),
rand(0, 255),
rand(0, 255)
function get_1() {
$one = array(array());
// Apply a random shift
$r_offset = rand(0, FIGURE_SIZE/2);
// the number of changing the brush color of the figure
$n_color_changes = FIGURE_SIZE /
(rand(0, NUM_BRUSH_CHANGES_MAX) + 1);
// Get a random brush
$brush = rand_color();
for ($i = 0; $i < FIGURE_SIZE; $i++) {
if ($i % $n_color_changes == 0)
$brush = rand_color();
for ($j = 0; $j < FIGURE_SIZE; $j++) {
// Fill the rest with greyscale colors
$one[$i][$j] = rand_grey();
// The tree of the '1'
if ($j == FIGURE_SIZE-1-$r_offset ||
$j == FIGURE_SIZE-2-$r_offset) {
$one[$i][$j] = $brush;
// The hook of the '1'
if (($i + $j == FIGURE_SIZE-1-$r_offset && $i < (FIGURE_SIZE-1)/2) ||
($i+1 + $j == FIGURE_SIZE-1-$r_offset && $i < (FIGURE_SIZE-1)/2))
$one[$i][$j] = $brush;
return $one;
function get_7() {
$seven = array(array());
// Apply a random shift
$r_offset = rand(0, FIGURE_SIZE/2);
// the number of changing the brush color of the figure
$n_color_changes = FIGURE_SIZE /
(rand(0, NUM_BRUSH_CHANGES_MAX) + 1);
// Get a random brush
$brush = rand_color();
for ($i = 0; $i < FIGURE_SIZE; $i++) {
if ($i % $n_color_changes == 0)
$brush = rand_color();
for ($j = 0; $j < FIGURE_SIZE; $j++) {
// Fill the rest with greyscale colors
$seven[$i][$j] = rand_grey();
// The roof of the '7'
if (($i == 0 || $i == 1) &&
$j > (FIGURE_SIZE-1)/2)
$seven[$i][$j-$r_offset] = $brush;
// The tree of the '7'
if ( ($i/2 + $j) == FIGURE_SIZE-1-$r_offset ||
($i/2 + $j-1) == FIGURE_SIZE-1-$r_offset ||
(($i+1)/2 + $j) == FIGURE_SIZE-1-$r_offset ||
(($i+1)/2 + $j-1) == FIGURE_SIZE-1-$r_offset )
$seven[$i][$j] = $brush;
return $seven;
function get_Z() {
$z = array(array());
// Apply a random shift
$r_offset = rand(0, FIGURE_SIZE/2);
// the number of changing the brush color of the figure
$n_color_changes = FIGURE_SIZE /
(rand(0, NUM_BRUSH_CHANGES_MAX) + 1);
// Get a random brush
$brush = rand_color();
for ($i = 0; $i < FIGURE_SIZE; $i++) {
if ($i % $n_color_changes == 0)
$brush = rand_color();
for ($j = 0; $j < FIGURE_SIZE; $j++) {
// Fill the rest with greyscale colors
$z[$i][$j] = rand_grey();
// The roof and soil of the 'Z'
if ((($i == 0 || $i == 1) ||
($i == FIGURE_SIZE-1 || $i == FIGURE_SIZE-2)) &&
$j > (FIGURE_SIZE-1)/2)
$z[$i][$j-$r_offset] = $brush;
// The tree of the 'Z'
if ( ($i/2 + $j) == FIGURE_SIZE-1-$r_offset ||
($i/2 + $j-1) == FIGURE_SIZE-1-$r_offset ||
(($i+1)/2 + $j) == FIGURE_SIZE-1-$r_offset ||
(($i+1)/2 + $j-1) == FIGURE_SIZE-1-$r_offset )
$z[$i][$j] = $brush;
return $z;
function get_E() {
$e = array(array());
// Apply a random shift
$r_offset = rand(0, FIGURE_SIZE/2);
// the number of changing the brush color of the figure
$n_color_changes = FIGURE_SIZE /
(rand(0, NUM_BRUSH_CHANGES_MAX) + 1);
// Get a random brush
$brush = rand_color();
for ($i = 0; $i < FIGURE_SIZE; $i++) {
if ($i % $n_color_changes == 0)
$brush = rand_color();
for ($j = 0; $j < FIGURE_SIZE; $j++) {
// Fill the rest with greyscale colors
$e[$i][$j] = rand_grey();
// The left vertical bar
if ($j == FIGURE_SIZE/2-$r_offset ||
$j == FIGURE_SIZE/2-1-$r_offset)
$e[$i][$j] = $brush;
// The three balks of the 'E'
if ((($i == 0 || $i == 1) ||
($i == FIGURE_SIZE-1 || $i == FIGURE_SIZE-2) ||
($i == FIGURE_SIZE/2-1 || $i == FIGURE_SIZE/2-2))
/* prevent out of bounds indices */
&& $j > (FIGURE_SIZE-1)/2)
$e[$i][$j-$r_offset] = $brush;
return $e;