I recently forked twisted-socks to add SOCKS 5 support for my GoogleScraper in order to scraper Google pages asynchronously. Obviously I needed SOCKS5 support to anonymize the parallel requests such that I can scrape more pages simultaneously.

I tested the code for SOCKS4 and SOCKS4a with a local TOR proxy and twistd -n socks and the SOCKS5 protocol with the dante socks proxy server on my VPS. So I guess the basic functionality should be working by now. GSSAPI (Kerberos) support is planned.

Here is the socksclient code, which is also available on my github repository:

# Copyright (c) 2011-2013, The Tor Project
# See LICENSE for the license.

# Updated on 25.01.14-28.01.14 to add SOCKS 5 support.
# Cleaned some parts of the code and abstracted quite a bit to handle the most important SOCKS5
# functionality like
# - username/password authentication
# - gssapi authentication (planned)
# - CONNECT command (the normal case, there are others: UDP ASSOCIATE and BIND, but they aren't as important. Maybe I will add them
#   in the future. If anyone wants to implement them, the basic structure is already here and the SOCKSv5ClientProtocol should be
#   rather easy extensible (how the actual connection, listening for incoming connections (BIND) and opening a UDP connection (UDP ASSOCIATE)
#   is done in the twisted world, is another question.
# Added:
# - SOCKSv4ClientFactory was renamed to SOCKSClientFactory and abstracted to handle all SOCKS 4/4a SOCKS5 (It is still ONE protocol, so one Factory should be logical correct)
# - added SOCKS5ClientFactory
# - SOCKSClientProtocol is the base class for all three protocols
# - SOCKSv4aClientProtocol inherits from  SOCKSv4ClientProtocol. I made the deliberate choice to differ between SOCKS 4 and 4a, altough 4a has the exactly same functionality as 4,
#   it might be the case that servers only speak version 4.
# References:
# A actively maintained, most recent version of PySocks from https://github.com/Anorov/PySocks
# The original version of socksclient.py:

# Author: Nikolai Tschacher
# Contact: incolumitas.com

import inspect
import socket
import re
import struct
from zope.interface import implements
from twisted.internet import defer
from twisted.internet.interfaces import IStreamClientEndpoint, IReactorTime
from twisted.internet.protocol import Protocol, ClientFactory
from twisted.internet.endpoints import _WrappingFactory

class SOCKSError(Exception):
    def __init__(self, val):
        self.val = val
    def __str__(self):
        return repr(self.val)

class SOCKSClientProtocol(Protocol):
    Base class for SOCKS protocols 4, 4a and 5
    buf = ''

    def noteTime(self, event):
        if self._timer:
            self._timestamps[event] = self._timer.seconds()

    def abort(self, errmsg):
        self.handshakeDone.errback(SOCKSError('SOCKS %s: %s' % (self.proxy_config['version'], errmsg)))

    def isHostname(self, string):
        dns_label_regex = re.compile(r'^(?![0-9]+$)(?!-)[a-zA-Z0-9-]{,63}(?H", port)
        self.protocol_state = 'connection_requested'

    def verifySocksReply(self, data):
        where = 'SOCKS5 verifySocksReply'

        if len(data) < 10: # all hostname are longer than a IPv4 address
            self.abort('Too few data from server %s.' % where)
            version, reply, rsv, address_type = struct.unpack('!BBBB', data[:4])

            if version != 0x5:
                self.abort('Invalid version')
                return False

            if reply != 0x0:
                self.abort('Server reply indicates failure. Reason: %s' % self.SOCKS5_ERRORS.get(reply, "Unknown error"))
                return False

            if address_type == 0x1: # handle IPv4 address
                self.bound_address, self.bound_port = socket.inet_ntoa(data[4:8]),  
                                                       struct.unpack('>H', data[8:10])[0]
            elif address_type == 0x3: # handle domain name
                dns_name_len = ord(data[4:5])
                self.bound_address, self.bound_port = data[5:dns_name_len],  
                                                      struct.unpack('>H', data[(5+dns_name_len):(5+dns_name_len+2)])[0]
            elif address_type == 0x4: # handle Ipv6 address
                self.bound_address, self.bound_port = socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6, data[4:20]),  
                                                                   struct.unpack('>H', data[20:22])[0]

            self.protocol_state = 'connection_verified'
            return True

    def connectionMade(self):

    def dataReceived(self, data):
        self.buf += data

        if self.protocol_state == 'do_auth':
        elif self.protocol_state == 'check_auth':

        if self.protocol_state == 'authenticated':
            host = self.postHandshakeEndpoint._host
            port = self.postHandshakeEndpoint._port
            self.sendRelayRequest(host, port)
        elif self.protocol_state == 'connection_requested':
            if self.verifySocksReply(data):

class SOCKSv4ClientProtocol(SOCKSClientProtocol):
        0x5B: "Request rejected or failed",
        0x5C: "Request rejected because SOCKS server cannot connect to identd on the client",
        0x5D: "Request rejected because the client program and identd report different user-ids"
    def sendRelayRequest(self, host, port):
        username = self.proxy_config['version_specific']['username']
        ver, cmd, username = 0x4, 0x1, [b'\x00', username.encode()+b'\x00'][not not username]
            addr = socket.inet_aton(host)
        except socket.error:
            self.abort('Not a valid IPv4 address.')
            return False
        msg = struct.pack('!BBH', ver, cmd, port) + addr + username

    def verifySocksReply(self, data):
        Return True on success and False on need-more-data or error.
        In the case of an error, the connection is closed and the
        handshakeDone errback is invoked with a SOCKSError exception
        before False is returned.
        if len(data) < 8:
            return False
        if ord(data[0]) != 0x0:
            self.abort('Expected 0 bytes')
            return False
        status = ord(data[1])
        if status != 0x5a:
            self.abort('Relay request failed. Reason=%s.' % self.SOCKS4_ERRORS.get(data[0], 'Unknown error'))
            return False
        return True

    def connectionMade(self):
        self.sendRelayRequest(self.postHandshakeEndpoint._host, self.postHandshakeEndpoint._port)

    def dataReceived(self, data):
        self.buf += data
        if self.verifySocksReply(data):

class SOCKSv4aClientProtocol(SOCKSv4ClientProtocol):
    '''Only extends SOCKS 4 to remotely resolve hostnames.'''

    def sendRelayRequest(self, host, port):
        username = self.proxy_config['version_specific']['username']
        ver, cmd, username = 0x4, 0x1, [b'\x00', username.encode()+b'\x00'][not not username]
            addr = socket.inet_aton(host)
        except socket.error:
            addr = '\x00\x00\x00\x01'
            dnsname = '%s\x00' % host
            msg = struct.pack('!BBH', ver, cmd, port) + addr + username + dnsname
            msg = struct.pack('!BBH', ver, cmd, port) + addr + username

class SOCKSClientFactory(ClientFactory):

    def __init__(self, proxy_config):
        self.proxy_config = proxy_config
        if self.proxy_config['version'] == '4':
            self.protocol = SOCKSv4ClientProtocol
        elif self.proxy_config['version'] == '4a':
            self.protocol = SOCKSv4aClientProtocol
        elif self.proxy_config['version'] == '5':
            self.protocol = SOCKSv5ClientProtocol

    def buildProtocol(self, addr):
        r = ClientFactory.buildProtocol(self, addr)
        r.proxy_config = self.proxy_config
        r.postHandshakeEndpoint = self.postHandshakeEndpoint
        r.postHandshakeFactory = self.postHandshakeFactory
        r.handshakeDone = self.handshakeDone
        r._timestamps = self._timestamps
        r._timer = self._timer
        return r

class SOCKSWrapper(object):
    Generic class to wrap all 3 SOCKS protocol versions 4, 4a, 5 around a TCP connection

    factory = SOCKSClientFactory

    def __init__(self, reactor, endpoint, proxy_config, timestamps=None):
        self._host = proxy_config['host']
        self._port = proxy_config['port']
        self._proxy_config = proxy_config

        self._reactor = reactor
        self._endpoint = endpoint
        self._timestamps = None
        self._timer = None
        if timestamps is not None:
            self._timestamps = timestamps
            self._timer = IReactorTime(reactor)

    def noteTime(self, event):
        if self._timer:
            self._timestamps[event] = self._timer.seconds()

    def connect(self, protocolFactory):
        Return a deferred firing when the SOCKS connection is established.

        def createWrappingFactory(f):
            Wrap creation of _WrappingFactory since __init__() doesn't
            take a canceller as of Twisted 12.1 or something.
            if len(inspect.getargspec(_WrappingFactory.__init__)[0]) == 3:
                def _canceller(deferred):
                return _WrappingFactory(f, _canceller)
            else:                           # Twisted >= 12.1.
                return _WrappingFactory(f)

            # Connect with an intermediate SOCKS factory/protocol,
            # which then hands control to the provided protocolFactory
            # once a SOCKS connection has been established.
            f = self.factory(self._proxy_config)

            f.postHandshakeEndpoint = self._endpoint
            f.postHandshakeFactory = protocolFactory
            f.handshakeDone = defer.Deferred()
            f._timestamps = self._timestamps
            f._timer = self._timer
            wf = createWrappingFactory(f)
            self._reactor.connectTCP(self._host, self._port, wf)
            return f.handshakeDone
            return defer.fail()

You can use the module for HTTP connection endpoints somehow like that

#!/usr/bin/env python

# Copyright (c) 2011-2013, The Tor Project
# See LICENSE for the license.

import sys
from urlparse import urlparse
from twisted.internet import reactor, endpoints
from socksclient import SOCKSv4ClientProtocol, SOCKSWrapper
from twisted.web import client

class TestClass:
    def __init__(self):
        self.npages = 0
        self.timestamps = {}

    def wrappercb(self, proxy):
        print "connected to proxy", proxy

    def clientcb(self, content):
        print "ok, got: %s" % content[:120]
        print "timetamps " + repr(self.timestamps)
        self.npages -= 1
        if self.npages == 0:

    def sockswrapper(self, proxy_config, url):
        dest = urlparse(url)
        assert dest.port is not None, 'Must specify port number.'
        endpoint = endpoints.TCP4ClientEndpoint(reactor, dest.hostname, dest.port)
        return SOCKSWrapper(reactor, endpoint, proxy_config, timestamps=self.timestamps)

def main():
    thing = TestClass()

    # Mandatory first argument is a URL to fetch over Tor (or whatever
    # SOCKS proxy that is running on localhost:9050).
    url = sys.argv[1]

    proxy_config = {
        'host': '',
        'port': 1080,
        'version': '4',
        'version_specific': {
            'rdns': True, # Enforce resolving hostnames remotely (Only supported by version 4a and 5)
            'cmd': b'\x01', # this may be CONNECT, BIND and UDP in version 5. In 4 and 4a, it's always CONNECT or BIND
            'username': 'socksuser', # Enables simple username/password authentication mechanism in version 5
            'password': ''

    proxy_config2 = {
        'host': '',
        'port': 7777,
        'version': '5',
        'version_specific': {
            'rdns': True, # Enforce resolving hostnames remotely (Only supported by version 4a and 5)
            'cmd': b'\x01', # this may be CONNECT, BIND and UDP in version 5. In 4 and 4a, it's always CONNECT or BIND
            'username': 'someuser', # Enables simple username/password authentication mechanism in version 5
            'password': 'somepass'
    # From http://fastproxyservers.org/socks5-servers.htm
    proxy_config3 = {
        'host': '',
        'port': 1080,
        'version': '4',
        'version_specific': {
            'rdns': True, # Enforce resolving hostnames remotely (Only supported by version 4a and 5)
            'cmd': b'\x01', # this may be CONNECT, BIND and UDP in version 5. In 4 and 4a, it's always CONNECT or BIND
            'username': '', # Enables simple username/password authentication mechanism in version 5
            'password': ''

    f = client.HTTPClientFactory(url)

    sw = thing.sockswrapper(proxy_config2, url)
    d = sw.connect(f)
    thing.npages += 1


if '__main__' == __name__: