Last major update on 23.10.2013
As promised previously in my last article, I will guide you through the creation process of a rudimentary font. I will use the glyphs of my font to draw captchas and incorportate the implementation in my brand new captcha plugin for wordpress. There are already quite a few captcha plugins out there, some of them are better than mine (RECAPTCHAfor instance translates books and thus solves two problems at the same time), others are worse, because the math equations can simply be parsed (As far as I can judge without inspecting the code further).
In this article however, I will center the focus entirely on the font and abstract from it's future usage in the captcha.
Technical background of fonts
A logical start of font creation is to answer the question what type of font we are going to create. But lets first introduce some concepts that are of importance when it comes to font design.
In short: A font is a collection of glyphs. Each glyph has a shape and there are various ways of describing that shape. You can imagine a glyph as a instanteation of a character. Whereas …
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