Edit: Cheat updated on 1.10.2015
Visit Lichess Bot Projects Page for the newest information for this bot! The description and code below will probably not work anymore!
Hello Everyone
Once in a while I like to play Chess on lichess. But sometimes I get beat up tot harshly, such that I want to take some revenge :D. Recently I created a new cheat for lichess. You can find the whole source code on my lichess cheat github repository. If you want to use the cheat, please follow the following tutorial:
- Download and install Python 3.4 (or newer) for your operating system from here: python web site
- Add Python to your system path such that you can open python file from anywhere (This step depends on what operating system you are using)
- Then download the python cheat from here. It is the file with the .py suffix
- Then execute the python cheat file where you downloaded it. Just go
to the directory where you saved it and enter in a shell:
`python cheat_server.py
- Open your browser (tested with chrome and firefox) and add the HTTP proxy server in the network settings that is outputted in the Bash …
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